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QUASAR started DJing and producing music 10 years ago. He and his partner in crime DYLALIEN co created FRACTAL COWBOYS preformance duo. They also co-founded T.R.I. P. a donwtempo psychdelic experience based show. Quasar has played in Japan as well as all over the USA. His tracks have repeatedly been featured in the GOA GIL Divine Dozen Music list. He has released tracks on a hand ful of international labels and is finished with his new album!!! Quasars music is a strong blend of Trauma trance and good old fashioned psygoa mental meltdown. Be ready to lose your mind and find a few new ones while listening to this trademark style of neo avante garde dance music. Not for the faint of heart or mind. Recomended for sending you and your friends over the edge.


Artist Name: Quasar
Age: Forgotten
Sex: We can only hope
Location: In a physical body, maybe.
Turn on's: For sure
Turn off's: Definitely Not!
Studio: QuasiStien Studio, SF, CA, USA
ICQ: 262135300
Genre: neotrance
Quote: "If it takes two to tango, try taking three to trance..."