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PSYMBOLIC X5: Completion Of The Era Fri. Dec 9th, 2011

Presale tickets now sold out... door tickets available all night! =)


Click the Flyer to go to Facebook event page and leave a nice comment! & Galaxy Unknown Rec proudly present a special chapter in the legendary party series! Join us on FRIDAY December 9th!
PSYMBOLIC X5: Completion Of The Era! Prepare yourself for this mind expanding chapter 15 gathering your dearest friends and family who you love to share this magical and unforgettable night as we celebrate the return of the legendary tag team trio the LSDjs! Michael Liu, Sausee and Dr. Spook are some of the original goa / psytrance DJs who helped start the SF goa/psy scene! Upstairs we have all your favorite residents & guests featuring a Dubstep / Drum Step / Drum and Bass top shelf selection! =)

PSYMBOLIC X5: Completion Of The Era
San Francisco, CA / 8pm - 4am
GINGER BREAD HOUSE 1275 Connecticut
18+ with ID please / $15 B4 10pm - $20 AFter
$10/15 Presale:

Main Room: PSY-TRANCE / Goa / Prog

LSDjs - Michael Liu, Sausee, Dr. Spook mega tagteam
DOCTOR SPOOK - geomagnetic / goa rec
SAUSEE - galaxy unknown records / geomagnetic
MICHAEL LIU - picses 2012 / illumination rec.
FROST RAVEN - geomagnetic / ovnimoon rec
RANDOM - geomagnetic
WICHDOKTA - full circle / phoenix family

up stairs: Dubstep / Drum Step / DnB

MUNICIPAL YOUTH - a10 / geomagnetic
VAPOR BROTHERS - dubstep sf / power house rec.
DRIP DROP - bass star / dubstep sf / dubscouts
SKRYPT - bass star / dubstep sf
ELEBERETH - plural productions / sacramento
ERIC HATES MONKEYS - bass cellar
SOLUS - plural productions

sound - 40k FULL CIRCLE feat. 21 Inch Subs!
decor - T.A.O. Deco / Full Circle / GUR8 Deco
visuals - + FRIENDS
Vibe & Saftey - Mendos Organized Chaos
LIGHTS - Electric Family & FRiends
21+ BAR

MAIN ROOM: Psy Trance/ Progressive / Goa Trance
8 - Sausee (Original Tracks Mix Set)
8:45 - Spook
9:30 - Michael Liu
10:15 - Dizzy
11 - Frost Raven
12 - Random
1- Wichdokta
2 - LSDj's

Upper Room: Dubstep/ DnB/ Breaks
8 - Lexonic
9 - Vapor Bros
10 - Skrypt
11 - Drip Drop
12 - Municipal Youth aka Aleks
1 - Erik Hates Monkeys
2 - Elbereth
3 - Solus

THERE IS A FULLY STOCKED ATM @ the venue Now! =)


directions >,+San+Francisco,+CA&hl=en&ll=37.750205,-122.395999&spn=0.010536,0.015171&sll=37.750002,-122.39622&sspn=0.010536,0.015171&t=h&z=16





Quote of the Week

"To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places (and there are so many) where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."

-Howard Zinn, patriot, historian, and author