On Saturday during this event the Global Ohm for Peace will be occurring and everyone in the event is welcome to participate. For half an hour music will be shut down and everyone on the planet participates in a unified Ohm for the peace and betterment of mankind.
Earthdance has always been a charitable organization, and from this event 50% or profit goes to these charities (more tba):
Earthdance International
Joyful Heart Foundation
http:// earthdancelupinlodge-fb.eve ntbrite.com/
Tier 1: $70
Tier 2: $80
Tier 3:$100
Tickets will be $120 at the door, limited presales available!!!
Family Friendly, otherwise 18+ ID REQUIRED
Are you a Visual Artist, DJ, local band, Performer, or non-food vendor? Want to get involved with this event?!
Shoot us an email at theelectricfamily@yahoo.co m!
Want to bring a theme camp to the event?!
Email theelectricfamily@yahoo.co m for more info!
Stay Tuned for more lineup & more info!
Reid Speed (Play Me Records, LA)
https://www.facebook.com/ djreidspeed
http://soundcloud.com/ reidspeed
https://www.facebook.com/ PlayMeRecords
K Theory (Live PA)
w/ Drums, Synth, Vocalist, & Visuals
http://www.facebook.com/ ktheory
http:// www.ktheorymusic.com/
http://www.soundcloud.com/ ktheory
https://www.facebook.com/ babylonroommate
http://soundcloud.com/ roommate-babylon-system http://soundcloud.com/ roommatedubs
Spit Brothers (Live PA w/Full Band)
+ DJ set By Dubsworth
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/The-Spit-Brothers/ 142838482423078
http://soundcloud.com/ spitbrothers
https://www.facebook.com/ fullmeltrecordings
http:// fullmeltrecordings.bandcamp .com/
UltraViolet featuring Oh Blimey LIVE (MalLabel, LA)
http://soundcloud.com/ djultraviolet
http:// www.ohblimeymusic.com/
Cosmic Selector (TekFreaks, Opulent Temple)
http://soundcloud.com/ cosmic-selector
http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Cosmic-Selector/ 322217764506624
http:// www.cosmicselector.com/
Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple, Dvant Garde, California Dubstep Republic)
http://soundcloud.com/ dulcevitadj
Liam Shy ( Vital SC, Liamshy.com)
https://www.facebook.com/ liam.shy.music
http://soundcloud.com/ liamshy
Frost Raven (Geomagnetic, Ovnimoon Records)
http://soundcloud.com/ frost-raven
http://www.facebook.com/ frostravenmusic
Selector Science (Just Added!!!)
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/selector-science/ 61964641852
http:// www.selectorscience.blogspo t.com/
Fire Lieber [All Vinyl Set!!!]
http://soundcloud.com/ fire-lieber
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Hopscotch/ 179813922040308
Aire Redtree
http://soundcloud.com/ aireredtree
Non Sequitor
https://www.facebook.com/ djnonsequitur
http:// www.djnonsequitur.com/
http://soundcloud.com/ non_sequitur
Elbereth DJ
http://www.myspace.com/ elbereth
https://www.facebook.com/ djelbereth
Monsta of NYC
https://www.facebook.com/ MonstaNYC
Mr. Brandon (BAE Krew, Dream Team, Zapatistas SF)
http://soundcloud.com/ mrbrandon
http:// fullcircleproduction.com/
Dr. Spook
http://soundcloud.com/ doctorspook-geomagnetic
http://soundcloud.com/ geomagnetic
Harris Pillton
http://soundcloud.com/ youcancallmeharris
Danny Weird
(San Frandisco, Unorthodox Empire, Madmen, Dream Team)
http://soundcloud.com/ dannyweird
A Fox (Blockhead Ent)
http://soundcloud.com/ a_fox
http://facebook.com/ afoxofficial
Younglink (Blockhead Ent)
http://soundcloud.com/ djyounglink
- E-Light -
- Miss Mari -
- Shataki Bliss -
- Shawna -
- Cally Star -
- Luna xix -
- Vexia -
- Bumlurk -
- Tomcat -
- Hy Ty -
- Cereal Killer -
- DJ8-Tens -
- Tomkat -
- Ilixer -
- DJ K -
- Father Time -
- DJ Penguin -
https://www.facebook.com/ djphilter1
http://soundcloud.com/ psyamesekat (psybreaks mixes)
http://mixcloud.com/ psyamesekat (progressive, fullon, techno, glitch/midtempo and psybreaks mixes)
http://facebook.com/ djpsyamesekat
Mixtress Shazaam
https://www.facebook.com/ djshizaam
http://soundcloud.com/ mixtress-shizaam
Travis Creamer
http://soundcloud.com/ travis-creamer
The Adaptor
https://www.facebook.com/ TheAdapter
Sausee (Galaxy Unknown Rec.)
http://soundcloud.com/ sausee
Bud Vapor (Galaxy Unknown Rec.)
http://soundcloud.com/ bud-vapor
http://soundcloud.com/ djnightcrawler
Magik Plan
http://soundcloud.com/ magikplan
http://soundcloud.com/ isotope-1
Handsome Dodger (Primitive Science, Apex, HC)
http://soundcloud.com/ supadjera
http://soundcloud.com/ ezrok
Witness (Just Added!!!)
BC1 (Just Added!!!)
Drop Bear (Just Added!!!)
Beats Mode
www.soundcloud.com/ beats-mode
Finger's Crossed
http://soundcloud.com/ fingerscrossedla
Angoscia (Anthony Syfer and Amber Leigh)
DJ Sneakers
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/DJ-Sneakerz
Dj Bias
http://soundcloud.com/ djbiashard
Self Dustrukt
https://www.facebook.com/ self.dustrukt?ref=ts
Bobster Eyeski-ski
-----More being added daily!!!-----
The Holdup
https://www.facebook.com/ theholdupmusic
InDisguise (Just Added!!!)
http:// www.reverbnation.com/\indisguisemusic
http:// indisguise.bandcamp.com/
https://www.facebook.com/ InDisguiseBand/
Boostive (Just Added!!!)
https://www.facebook.com/ boostive
http:// boostivemusic.bandcamp.com/ http:/...
http://soundcloud.com/ boostivemusic
http://www.youtube.com/ user/BOOSTIVEmusic
Smokin Roots Crew
www.reverbnation.com/ smokinrootscrew
The New Position
http:// www.reverbnation.com/ thenewposition
Exquisite Corps
----- Still lots of bandspace open -----
►Visual Artists::◄
Dustin Derego & the Dream Team
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Dream-Team-Ent/ 292657310761587
Thérèse Hockel (Hi-Rezolution)
https://www.facebook.com/ therese.hockel
Teej Pleez
www.faceboook.com/ teejpleez
2am Art
https://www.facebook.com/ 2AMArt
Visually Natasha
http://www.tumblr.com/ tumblelog/attentionlapsed
----- Still lots of artist space open -----
Sarah Edwards (Fans)
Ocean Motion Productions (Bellydancing/Swords)
Bitches On Boxes(dancers)
Isaac Blackwood (Contact Juggling/Spinner/Staff)
Hooping Healers
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/ Hooping-Healers-Hoop-Dance- Troupe-Boutique/ 218038751644714?ref=ts
Do Rights Burlesque
http:// cruzburlesque.webs.com/
----- Still lots of dance space open -----
Jesse Avalon (Theta Healing Demo)
Omega Cupcake (Harm Reduction/LGBT Awareness)
Denise Eve Echo (Qi Gong)
Tara (Female Empowerment and Spirituality)
Martina Krauss (working with elements)
Cecile Tharese Thompson
----- Still lots of workshop space available ----
Mainstage: (Mother Earth)
We will transform the lodge into a powerful forest of sound. Art and light will permeate the space with the theme of Gaia. Here some headliners will play, some dj's will play, and some musicians will play. Music will be added to the side chill room at ambient levels so you can relax and not miss your favorite artist.
Outdoor Band Stage: (Lake of Linea)
Lanea is a muse of the arts and this stage will exhibit every art you could ask for. Bands and dancers will perform all day long. In the mornings workshops will elevate your being and teach you about the world and equality.
Chill Dome: (Oasis of the Goddess)
The Shelarond Yurt by the pool will be made into a chill dj music stage so that you can relax in the nude only pool with some smooth beats. For a few hours in the early afternoon some more intimate workshops will be taught here as well.
30ft. Dome: (Cave of Equality)
In order to bring you a full dance experience at night, we are bringing an additional dome to create another indoor dance hall. This dome will feature harmony and unity of the sexes. Geomagnetic will be coming back from a hiatus to bring you the awesome music for this stage.
Presented by:
Electric Family Productions, Eternal Blaze, Lupin Lodge, Geomagnetic, E.P. Audio, Aurorascope, Acacia Beats, Full Circle Productions, Gruntworthy, Higher Conscience, Primitive Science, MOC Event Safety, Blockhead, BAE Crew, Hy Ty, Galaxy Unknown Rec., and Dream Team
►Sound by:◄
§··‹DT3 Sound Werks›··§
§··‹EP Audio›··§
►Lighting by:◄
§··‹Tribal Existence Productions›··§
§··‹Electric Family Productions›··§
§··‹Acacia Beats›··§
§··‹Visuals/3D Mapping by: Zenity Sound Productions
facebook.com/ zenitysoundproductions›··§
►Safety by:◄
§··‹TAZ Safety›··§
Aud'z & End'z Accessoriez (Attire)
Jackie Brown (Jewelry)